Track your Refund
Track your Refund
Are you wondering when you will receive your tax refund? We want our clients to be able to plan around this important event. As a general rule, if you filed a paper return you should expect your refund within six to eight weeks. If you electronically filed your tax return, you should receive your refund within two to three weeks. Check below to get more specific information about your tax refund.
Check on your Federal Refund
Check on your State Refund
Massachusetts (Account registration required to check refund status online)
New Hampshire (There is no online tool for tax refund status on the New Hampshire’s Department of Revenue website. Call 603-230-5920 for information.)
Tennessee (This state does not provide an online refund status tool. For information, call 800-342-1003 if within the state. From outside the state, call 615-253-0600.)